
Empowering vulnerable women and girls with a robust innovation skillset and essential resources in conservation by empowering them to close the gender gap, and create a community where women are assertive and able to take part in conservation. We stand behind women’s equal participation in conservation.
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Women in Conservation Organization (WICO) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that primarily focus on promoting wildlife conservation while assuring women's participation in conservation initiatives. WICO was founded in August 2022 under the Non- Governmental Organization Act of 2002 which operates in Tanzanian mainland. WICO was founded by two young female conservationists from Tanzania, who were eventually joined by a number of experts and stakeholders from various disciplines.
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In the future, our program model will be proven through design thinking and adaptive leadership methodologies where most of the women out of our program create sustainable innovative solutions in their communities. We will continue to monitor and measure our long-term impact based on key program outcomes.

Becoming conservationist Program Impact


Lives Impacted Through Social Venture


Women Empowered


Social Venture Created

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What We Do
We improve gender balance and diversity in conservation roles in line with the international benchmark for sustainable environment, through working with communities to accelerate the power and potential of women and girls as active leaders and social entrepreneurs creating sustainable solutions within their communities.
They Need Your Help!
Save nature by donating to our environment conservation program and help us make positive changes for our future generations